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Donald J. Trump: ‘unfitted’ for duty

The clothes don’t make the man, but can a hat make or break a presidential campaign? Abraham Lincoln is forever linked to his stovepipe hat, but headwear hasn’t been all that useful to presidents since John Kennedy allegedly killed the

Spot on: Advanced Insurance Solutions’ new TV commercial

It was somehow fitting that the 30-second TV commercial we developed for client Advanced Insurance Solutions had one of its earliest airings during the Little League World Series. After all, I first got to know Chris Painter, co-owner of AIS,

You’ve heard of upselling. This is un-selling.

No shirt, no shoes, no service. But even if you are properly attired, you still get no service. Increasingly, that’s how the shopping experience seems. Consider a stroll I took during our recent vacation in Maine. We were in the

About the Author

Neal Goulet

Neal Goulet, Owner
Having been a journalist, Neal knows writing, grammar and style, as well as the language and movements of a newsroom.