
A record player
Blog Archives

The game story is dead

I got a lot wrong with Pennsylvania Puck, chiefly evidenced by the fact that I often refer to it as the short-lived online hockey magazine I launched in fall 2011. It ceased to be anything more than a Facebook page

Jumping into eBay as a seller

In my middle age, I have become that guy. No, not that guy who shakes his fist at those meddling kids to get off his lawn – they know better than to mess with my lawn. No, I mean that

Gods might not send letters, but Simon Jones still does

The end of another baseball season always makes me think of the great Ted Williams, who played his final game 55 years ago today. The writer John Updike, of the Wyomissing, Pa., Updikes, chronicled the game in a famous article

About the Author

Neal Goulet

Neal Goulet, Owner
Having been a journalist, Neal knows writing, grammar and style, as well as the language and movements of a newsroom.