Blog and Social Media Writing Services

It's possible to tell your story to anyone in the world with a click or a tap on a laptop computer, smart phone, or tablet.
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These tools make it easier than ever to tell one’s story to a global audience. Yet what seems so close can be so far away when you consider how many people and organizations are trying to get their slices of the pie.

We’ve produced valuable content for decades

At their essence, blogs and social media are about story telling. It’s not so much about the number of posts or tweets (of course, consistency is important) but rather the substance of them.

Blogs represent a newer channel, one that allows for greater interactivity with your audiences. But ultimately it comes down to the value of the content that you provide. Do you have something to say, and can you say it compellingly? Are you writing or just typing?

We believe that everyone has a story worth telling; we know this because we’ve written thousands of stories. In fact, we draw upon nearly a decade’s worth of daily journalism experience plus another 15 years of daily public relations writing to provide blog services.

A blog is a tasty meal for a spider

There’s no silver bullet when it comes to communication, no single means for telling your story. Blog writing is a great place to start, for a number of reasons:

  • You control your blog’s content. You can blog about whatever you like, as often as you like, for a potentially global audience.
  • Blogs provide another forum for repurposing content, such as a TV news story about your company, an article from your newsletter, or details about your special event. Likewise, content that originates with your blog could be the basis for news coverage or a newsletter article.
  • Fresh content on your website attracts readers and search engine spiders. More visits of each will enhance your standing among the search engines.
  • Readers who enjoy the fresh content on your blog often will share it via links and mentions in social media. Search engines like links.
  • No doubt you’ve typed a query into the Google search bar, which offered suggestions based on searches that other users have performed. A blog allows you to develop posts centered on this concept of providing answers to user queries. If a search engine picks up your post, you could land a targeted readership as the prize.

Our blog: Perfect Circle

It has been our honor to work with Royer’s Flowers & Gifts for a decade. We’ve helped Royer’s with media coverage, with special events and newsletters. More recently, we’ve taken on Royer’s blog.

Of course, we hope you’ll also check out Goulet Communications’ blog, Perfect Circle.


On Blog and Social Media Writing Services

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